Dancing helps give me a sense of balance in life because of its corporeal and social nature. I’ve made many friends through Salsa in particular and enjoy being part of a community of people who share this interest. I also greatly value how [social dance] transcends a variety of boundaries—class, ethnicity, age, nationality, language among them. People think of [dancing] as being distinctly Latin American, but it is totally international at this point, danced from Africa, to Asia to Europe to the Americas. So being able to dance connects one with an international community—you know you can find a dance community in just about any city in the U.S. and many across the world. Its a beautiful thing.
— Nicholas K.

Classes, Videos, and Zoom
passes expire 45 days after activation

Drop-in - $16

4 class pass - $55 - expires 45 days from activation

8 class pass - $100 - expires 45 days from activation

90 minute classes - $22

90 min classes 4-class pass - $80 - expires 45 days from activation

90 min classes 8-class pass - $145 - expires 45 days from activation


$55 - Quickstart workshops*

$40 - 2.5 hr workshops*

$35 - 2 hr workshops*

$30 - 90 minute workshops

Private Lessons

All of our instructors are available for private lessons (individual or group). To set one up or gather more information, please contact us at your earliest convenience.


  1. A $20 fee will be charged for any returned checks. (This is in addition to the amount the check was originally written for.)

  2. Class payment is non-refundable and non-transferable to other sessions or persons: missed classes are the sole responsibility of the student. You can manage your schedule online by logging into your Mindbody account, and clicking on My Schedule. Beside the classes you are signed up for is a "cancel" button. This will take the class off your schedule and redeem that class to your pass, and can be used for any weekly class we offer within the expiration limit.

  3. The studio may cancel classes due to inclement weather, instructor illness, fire, earthquake, apocalypse, or wild snakes. A make up class may be scheduled, a refund issued, or the unused class will go back into your account for future use :)

  4. Tardiness: we are all grown ups here. If you are running late, PLEASE still come to class. We know real life, traffic, late baby sitters, missed buses, and car trouble are conspiring to keep us from doing the things we truly love. Even if you can only come to the last few minutes of class, you will always be welcome :)