You can enjoy dancing with us 4 different ways:
1. Video Downloads! Instead of joining us in the studio or via Zoom, these videos are yours to keep and watch whenever you like, wherever you like. The “time slot” that these are listed under mean nothing. It’s just a way to sign up and get the link. The link will be located in your REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION email, so make sure your are opted in for those and that we have your correct email.
2. Live Stream Classes - Zoom! We are offering live stream classes throughout the week via Zoom, so get a Zoom account and join us! All of our livestream classes included instruction and some time to chat and connect with one another. We know you are here to have fun, so get comfy with this. You do not have to have your camera on, and you can do or not do any amount of the class as you wish. Want a recording of class? Just ask :)
3. Private lessons! These can be held over Zoom, or in person at the studio. We have even been known to get creative and do lessons in outdoor locations other than the studio, so let’s brainstorm! When doing in person private lesson, please do not come in with ANY symptoms (mild or otherwise), or if you are just feeling off. Call or text Sarah for rates and queries: 503.708.2167
4. In person! Join us for weekly series classes, weekend workshops, or monthly socials. No partner required. Rotating partners is optional :)
Can’t wait to see you!
Lovely Anjali making an instructional video for to watch anytime, anywhere!
A community
Since 2000, The Viscount has been offering some of Portland’s finest dance instruction with some of Portland’s finest dance instructors. We pride ourselves on having built a dance community that is student focused, casual, accepting, safe, and that is run with love and integrity.
You don’t have to look like a dancer to feel like one. Here at the Viscount, we support real dancing for real people. In this noncompetitive, no-judgement environment, dancers create community the minute the music starts playing, and the minute you start moving to music, you become a dancer. Our classes focus on the importance of understanding the present and historical contexts of the dances we teach, and give credit to the people/cultures who created them.
We are in it for the experience of socializing, moving, and connecting…not performing, competing, or judging. Therefore, we encourage you to make mistakes, look like a fool, laugh at your progress, become amazing, and understand that stepping on someones toe can lead to a life long friendship. Also, you might just discover that you are an exceptional dancer! Let us help you liberate that part of you.
We pride ourselves on creating respectful, capable, creative, graceful, and happy dancers, so expect to be impressed with what you’ll learn to do!
Here you can discover the person you always knew you could be, enriched with the knowledge of dance history/context, and making long lasting friendships…all while improving your health. You do not need any prior experience nor do you need to bring a partner. Just bring your smile and feet and everything in between.
Alia and Jeff filming a Dancehall video while social distancing.
Things happen here
Whether it's a wine tasting, dance night, live music, movie night, or community garage sale, you are welcome anytime! Want to host your own event? We can make that happen, too!
Meet Sarah
Sarah may be the owner, but she started out just like you - somebody curious about dance. She began by showing up at dance venues, then dance classes, then joining dance companies, and eventually as an instructor in the first years of the Viscount Ballroom. She started out as an instructor at the Viscount Dance Studios (formerly), then took over as manager, and eventually owner in 2005. But this ain't no one woman show! The Viscount wouldn't be the place you love without all the wonderful instructors, dance hosts, assistants, and students like you! Come join the Viscount family...Sarah, and the rest of us, can't wait to meet you!
Melissa Swingercizing via Zoom Saturday morning!
Start Dancing
It’s likely that you already dance - in the kitchen, in the shower (be careful!), when you think no one is looking….Here, we aim to create a social space to dance together, whether that’s in the studio, or via Zoom, or even videos that we film here and you watch at home. Our goal is to get us all dancing TOGETHER, even when we are apart. New dancers, experienced dancers...we are all dancers here, and the door is open to all levels and ambitions. If there is music playing and it is making you move, then you are a dancer, my friend. We've created an environment for you to excavate that inner dancer given a little structure, some rules, some inspiration, and the freedom to make all the mistakes you need to in order to become the dancer you were born to be.
The Viscount has a Spotify account: find your class’s practice playlist HERE